My Blog List

Thursday, September 30, 2010

greetings and salutations.

(Charlotte's Web really was a good movie..i wonder how many thousands of bloggers have used that...) am I- blogging on a blog that has never been blogged on before. BLOG! I feel like I should pop some champagne and smoke a cigar or something. The birth of something new and (hopefully) interesting. Promises won't be made because, well, I don't really do that. But I can assure you of a few things: #1- 100% honesty and direct..uh..ness (is directness a word? im too lazy to look). I don't like to beat around the bush, I'm not PC, and I don't have time to make you feel good about yourself all the time. Harsh??'s cuz I love ya. #2- a warped sense of humor. 'Nuff said. #3- no praddling on and on about the kiddos. That's just not what I want my bloggity-blog to be.

I should do a nice introduction and blah blah blah a bit but frankly, I'm tired and these eyes aren't gonna cooperate much longer. I hope we see more of eachother in the near future. Hooray!


  1. Well, I hope you don't mind that my blog is pretty much all about my kids ;) I don't expect you to keep up with my boring life. Seriously, I don't do anything exciting.

    I really do enjoy your blog and your honesty. It's not always easy to be honest, sometimes it's hardest to be honest with yourself (at least for me) because it means having to own up to a few things...
